It has been noticed across all industries that Social Networks and Social Media can be used to help promote a business and naturally increase its sales through a more subtle type of marketing.
Why Should You Add A Facebook/Twitter Icon? What Benefits Do I Get?
If you read out post “5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Facebook Page” then you understand why you need to set up a Facebook page for your business so that you can improve your SEO, Build Customer Loyalty and of course keep customers up to date on your business and its activities. Adding a Facebook icon will allow your site visitors to click to an extension of your brand – your Facebook page.
Twitter of course works in a similar way to Facebook, you “Tweet” updates and allow people to “follow” you and interact with you almost instantaneously. In fact, there have been many controversial news stories involving information released through twitter to the public. So it is indeed a powerful marketing tool when used in the right way to get your message out there and heard.
In fact there has been an increasing trend whereby consumers leave comments reviewing a certain company and their products or complaining on their Facebook and Twitter pages. So being active in your social media can definitely help build a personal relationship between you and your clients.
How Do You Promote Your Social Media Outlets On Your Website?
Using phrases like “Join Me On…” can be a great way to engage a potential customer when combined with a recognizable social networking logo. There are often many different styles of logo these days for each social network. Using the most common version of a particular social media websites logo is often the best practice as it ensures that people will immediately be able to recognize that it relates to a particular site. Consider also how big your social media icons should be.
Where Should I Place My Social Media Icons?
You want to ensure that the placement of the relevant social network icon is both subtle, yet prominently placed as a Call To Action item for people to interact with your business. Think of it as no different to placing an advertisement on your site. You WANT people to click on it and not ignore it.
Of course if your social media icons are buried deep in your site or not in a easy to access place then your efforts to create your own social media following are definitely at a disadvantage. You always want to make sure your icons are “above the fold” – that is in a location which is immediately seen when your homepage is loaded.