3 Powerful Ways to Elevate Your Brand

Your brand is a vital part of your business, allowing you to leave the right impression with clients. Even the subtle nuances of your brand can communicate a lot about your company. With branding having such a powerful impact on client behavior, it’s important continually build your brand and invest in its growth. Here are 3 powerful ways to elevate your brand.

Create an Experience

Every interaction with a client is a chance to leave a positive impression and create a memorable experience. A little bit of time can go a long way when crafting your client’s experience with your brand. Companies like Apple have perfected their brand experience by carefully examining every interaction. This is evident from the second you visit an Apple store, all the way through opening up a new Apple product. Creating your brand’s experience starts with viewing your brand through your client’s eyes. What is your client’s first interaction with your brand like? Your brand’s experience should be consistent every time and true to your brand’s values. If you are able to create a great experience for your clients, they won’t just mention your brand, they will become brand advocates.

Be Consistent

Brand consistency not only makes you look professional, it also helps you stand out to clients. This means the same colors, imagery, and logo, no matter if it’s online or print. Clients should be able to easily recognize your brand even if it’s a quick glance. Studies have show people default to brands they easily recognize (while all other things are equal). This is why big brands like Coca-Cola keep consistent design elements from their bottle to their social media. But, consistency goes beyond just design. Brand consistency also should extend out to all elements that represent your brand. When a client calls versus when they visit you in person, do they get the same level of customer service? Consistency helps shape perceptions and protects your brand.

Stay True to Your Brand

Clients can easily connect with brands that are authentic, open, and true to their values. Nothing is worse than deceiving clients by straying away from your brand’s core values. Clients not only appreciate honesty, they expect it. Today, people want to deal with brands that make authenticity their priority. This transparency creates a strong trust between you and your audience. Strive to tell your company’s real story, and bake values into your brand that will guide the future actions of your company. If you sell products, be true to why the product was created and who it is for. Authenticity communicates to clients what you brand is and isn’t willing to do. Let your values resonate with your clients, and they will keep coming back to you.

Focusing on your brand’s experience, consistency, and authenticity, will easily help elevate your company’s brand. Start small and build on top of the progress you make. The more you invest into these principals, the more valuable your brand will be to your clients.
