The question has been posed as to what the benefits and drawbacks would be when putting Yoast SEO’s Social up against Jetpack’s Publicize feature. I wanted to take the opportunity to explain each and what they do. Both features within their respective WordPress plugins are very important when doing social media marketing of your blog’s content. So, let’s explore what they can do for us.
Yoast SEO
This plugin is a huge asset when it comes to properly setting up your posts, pages, and entire website to better increase your search engine optimization. It incorporates everything from a snippet editor and real time page analysis functionality that helps you optimize your pages content, images titles, meta descriptions and more to XML sitemaps, and loads of optimization options in between.
Yoast SEO’s social area
The social area within the Yoast SEO plugin can easily be enabled by connected your social networks in place under the plugin’s social settings area. This will open up the ability to customize how links to your posts and pages display within Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. You’re able to control everything from the Title shown to the photo that pops up when shared. This plugin is important to utilize because social enthusiasts regularly decide to click on the “good-looking” shares that end up in their feed.
We all know that with some of our blog posts, random photos have the opportunity to be displayed depending on where they’re located on the website when we are sharing them. This helps put the power into your control so you can make the decisions in how your site is marketed.
Jetpack is an incredibly robust plugin that connects a self-hosted WordPress website to the features enjoyed on These features include everything from tiled mosaic photo galleries to a Facebook feed for your blog’s sidebar. Most importantly to this article is the Publicize feature that becomes available to you.
Jetpack’s Publicize feature
Publicize makes it easy to share your site’s posts on several social media networks automatically when you publish a new post.
Automating your social sharing upon the Publish of a blog post takes the guess work of whether or not people know that you’ve added new content. It’s important to let your fan/followers know when you’re creating new posts because that content is usually for them anyways. So, why not give them a heads up?
With the Publicize feature, you’re able to customize which of the 6 following social networks your information gets shared out to automatically: Facebook (Profile or Page), Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, Path, and Google+. This makes it easy to market your content right away to your target demographic, giving them the chance to also share your information to their friends and followers, too.
So, Which do you use?
So, essentially, it isn’t quite fair to put these two plugins’ features up against each other. To get the best out of your social media marketing, they are best when used in conjunction with each other.
Utilize Yoast SEO’s social area to manage how your information is displayed when shared through social media networks while allowing Jetpack’s Publicize feature to automatically distribute when you Publish and you’ll be set!